New Poll Projects Clear Defeat for Prop 26 and Prop 27 in California
A new poll from the University of California at Berkeley projects overwhelming defeat for Prop 26 and Prop 27 on Nov. 8. According to the university’s survey of 6,939 likely California voters conducted Sept. 22-27, only 31% support Prop 26 and just 27% support Prop 27. Prop 26 would legalize in-person sports betting at California […]
Forget the Ads. What Are Prop 26 & Prop 27 in California Really About?
Prop 26 and Prop 27 may have sabotaged both their chances of passing. They’ve spent so much ad time attacking each other that they’ve forgotten to tell the voters what they stand for. That would mean at least a two-year delay until 2024 for another chance to legalize California sports betting. So, if the campaigns […]
One California Tribe Has Donated Nearly 25% of the $439.8 Million Spent on Prop 26, Prop 27
A lot of California tribes don’t want Prop 27 to pass this November. But one California tribe really, really doesn’t want it to pass. As of Oct. 3, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians had donated $103,279,308 to defeat Prop 27, which would legalize online sports betting in California. The total money spent for and against Prop 26 and Prop […]
Inside the Prop 27 Campaign’s Strategy to Erase a 20% Gap By Election
California Prop 27 has some catching up to do in the six weeks left before the 2022 fall election. The sportsbook-led campaign was polling 20% behind the 8-ball in mid-September. Now, organizers of the online sports betting initiative are changing course. The goal is to win voter approval in November, and maybe even beat Prop […]
Here’s How Many Votes Prop 27 Needs to Pass in California
Things don’t look too good for Prop 27, the California online sports betting measure on the Nov. 8 ballot. A yes vote on Prop 27 would help create a path forward for sports fans and bettors to legally gamble from computers or mobile devices anywhere in the state. It would create more than $3 billion […]
Who is Funding Prop 27 in California? How Can Voters Track Spending?
California voters may be wondering who is funding Prop 27 in California. Anti-Prop 27 ads claim that “out-of-state corporations” are funding the California online sports betting initiative. While that’s true, there’s nothing negative about out-of-state corporations except their connotations. Most companies are outside of California and are accepted without a second thought. In this case, […]
Why a CA Tribe That Has Donated $78 Million to Beat Prop 27 Is Briefly Teaming Up With FanDuel
California tribes and private sports betting companies are at war over Prop 26 and Prop 27. But one huge tribe and the country’s leading sportsbook brand are actually teaming up in one area. Sort of. *Cue the gasps* Yes, FanDuel — which owns the largest share of the US sports betting market — and the […]
Tribe That Owns Red Hawk Casino Adds $2 Million to Prop 26 Campaign
The California tribe that owns Red Hawk Casino, the state’s sixth-largest casino, made a splash in the sports betting campaign spending war. The Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians filed a $2 million contribution to Yes on 26 on Sept. 23. The tribe had made nine previous donations, but none totaled more than $3,490.03. This most recent $2 million […]
Just How Much Can LA Times Affect California Sports Betting Election?
California’s most influential newspaper shared its opinion this month on Prop 26 and Prop 27 – a pair of initiatives that have sports bettors’ attention in California and across the country. The Los Angeles Times’ verdict on Prop 26 and Prop 27? A resounding “no.” And the paper, which has a daily readership of 1.4 […]
Gambling Expert: ‘We Don’t Think Prop 26 or 27 Passes’ in California
On Wednesday, an independent gambling expert said he believes Prop 26 and Prop 27 both won’t pass this November. That would delay legalization of sports betting in California to 2024 at the earliest. Adam Krejcik, partner at independent research firm Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, posted a tweet late Wednesday in which he cast further doubt on the chances of […]