Tribe That Owns Red Hawk Casino Adds $2 Million to Prop 26 Campaign
The California tribe that owns Red Hawk Casino, the state’s sixth-largest casino, made a splash in the sports betting campaign spending war. The Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians filed a $2 million contribution to Yes on 26 on Sept. 23. The tribe had made nine previous donations, but none totaled more than $3,490.03. This most recent $2 million […]
Just How Much Can LA Times Affect California Sports Betting Election?
California’s most influential newspaper shared its opinion this month on Prop 26 and Prop 27 – a pair of initiatives that have sports bettors’ attention in California and across the country. The Los Angeles Times’ verdict on Prop 26 and Prop 27? A resounding “no.” And the paper, which has a daily readership of 1.4 […]
Gambling Expert: ‘We Don’t Think Prop 26 or 27 Passes’ in California
On Wednesday, an independent gambling expert said he believes Prop 26 and Prop 27 both won’t pass this November. That would delay legalization of sports betting in California to 2024 at the earliest. Adam Krejcik, partner at independent research firm Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, posted a tweet late Wednesday in which he cast further doubt on the chances of […]
Report: Prop 27 Pulls TV Ads, Changes Strategy 7 Weeks Before Election
The Prop 27 campaign is changing tactics in what seems to be an uphill battle to pass the online sports betting ballot initiative, according to reporting by the San Francisco Chronicle. With the Nov. 8 election just under seven weeks away, Californians will see far fewer ads in support of Prop 27 or that attack […]
Crypto Prediction Market Expects Prop 26 and Prop 27 to Both Fail in California
A popular online crypto currency prediction market thinks Prop 26 and Prop 27 will both fail in California this November. Polymarket, an information markets platform that lets users trade on topics such as elections, weather events, global matters, sports outcomes, and more, listed markets on the success of Prop 26 and Prop 27 on Tuesday. As of the […]
2 Apps Let You Legally Make Money on California Sports Betting. And They’re Free.
Believe it or not, there is already legal sports betting in California. Sort of. While Californians await the outcomes Prop 26 and Prop 27 on the Nov. 8 election ballot, they can partake in social sports prediction games that closely resemble online sports betting. And, yes, you can make real money. Fliff Sportsbook and oddFlex are two […]
Beyond Legalize Sports Betting, What Else Would California Prop 26 Do?
Sports betting is the face of two California ballot initiatives this fall. But there is more to the ballot measures than sports odds and prop bets. High-end casino games and high-dollar private lawsuits are also in the mix. Prop 26, specifically, has enough sweeteners to give the 60-plus tribes and tribal organizations behind the initiative […]
California Democratic Party Makes First Financial Contribution to No on Prop 27
The California Democratic Party is now financially involved with the sports betting battle of Prop 26 and Prop 27. On Sept. 9, the California Democratic Party donated $1,055.09 to No on 27 – Californians for Tribal Sovereignty and Safe Gaming, according to records kept by the California Secretary of State. That was the party’s first financial contribution in relation […]
New September Prop 27 Ad Makes Claims on Homelessness. Are They True?
When the California election is over and we find out if Prop 27 passed or failed, it might be the decision to tie the initiative to California’s homeless problem that proves crucial to the outcome. The latest ad from Yes on 27 stresses that Prop 27, which would legalize online sports betting only, will help […]
The National Horse Racing President Endorses Both Prop 26 & Prop 27 in CA. Why?
It would seem like an easy endorsement for the president of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association. Prop 26 would legalize sports betting in California at 67 Indian casinos and Santa Anita Park, Del Mar Racetrack, Golden Gate Fields, and Los Alamitos Race Course. Prop 27 would open online sports betting. No horse in the race, […]